© 2006
Hoffman House, Inc.
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Hoffman House Exclusive Songs -
We were invited to do a Scripture Scouts concert with the Mormon Choir of Washington, D.C. last spring. As part of the concert, they asked us to write a medley of Scripture Scouts songs. It's hard to describe the scene as the men of the choir, dressed in tuxes and looking formal, broke into Lehi's refrain: "We gotta go, leave Jerusalem. We gotta go to the wilderness. We gotta go, 'cause Jerusalem is gonna be a mess." The choir and audience loved it! It's written for piano and SATB adult choir with narrators-- child or adult. The medley presents the story of Lehi and his family in a fresh way with touches of humor and insights that are the hallmark of Scripture Scouts. Sheet music available here |
This piece begins with a plea for heaven's voice from a lost sheep, or a mother whose heart is tossed by the waves of her cares, depending upon which lyric set is used. Then the choir sings, "And lo, a voice from heaven cries, Behold, God is With You. He'll wipe away your tears..." and grows to a sweeping climax. Sheet music available here |
A moving song about the power of the dedicated parent/guardian in shaping children. |
A missionary song that sings about how the work spreads all over the world. "Heart by heart the Lord's kingdom grows." Sheet music available here |
Melanie and Roger talk about "Stories of Jesus" with Steven Kapp Perry. Includes several clips from the album. Click here |
Melanie and Roger talk about "Lullabies of Jesus and other Gentle Songs" with Steven Kapp Perry. Includes several clips from the album. Click here |