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© 2006
Hoffman House, Inc.

Gethsemane sheet music now available for download! Click here.

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Hoffman House Exclusive Songs -
We were invited to do a Scripture Scouts concert with the Mormon Choir of Washington, D.C. last spring. As part of the concert, they asked us to write a medley of Scripture Scouts songs. It's hard to describe the scene as the men of the choir, dressed in tuxes and looking formal, broke into Lehi's refrain: "We gotta go, leave Jerusalem. We gotta go to the wilderness. We gotta go, 'cause Jerusalem is gonna be a mess." The choir and audience loved it! It's written for piano and SATB adult choir with narrators-- child or adult. The medley presents the story of Lehi and his family in a fresh way with touches of humor and insights that are the hallmark of Scripture Scouts. Sheet music available here

This piece begins with a plea for heaven's voice from a lost sheep, or a mother whose heart is tossed by the waves of her cares, depending upon which lyric set is used. Then the choir sings, "And lo, a voice from heaven cries, Behold, God is With You. He'll wipe away your tears..." and grows to a sweeping climax. Sheet music available here

A moving song about the power of the dedicated parent/guardian in shaping children.

A vocal solo, excellent for Young Women programs. Sheet music available here

A missionary song that sings about how the work spreads all over the world. "Heart by heart the Lord's kingdom grows." Sheet music available here

Podcasts -
Melanie and Roger talk about "Stories of Jesus" with Steven Kapp Perry. Includes several clips from the album. Click here

Melanie and Roger talk about "Lullabies of Jesus and other Gentle Songs" with Steven Kapp Perry. Includes several clips from the album. Click here