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Hoffman House, Inc.
Sheet Music

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Praise to the Lord! New score parts available -
Arrangements from our Bookcraft CD Praise to the Lord!

Choir Parts only. You can use it with an accompaniment CD, which we can provide.

These score parts do not include lyrics, but can be used with the above choir parts.

Arrangement for men's trio or 3-part choir with piano accompaniment (Full Sheet music arrangement). We sang this at our son's mission farewell.

Choir Parts only. Accompaniment CD available.

Choir Parts only. Accompaniment CD available.

Choir Parts only. Accompaniment CD available.


Estamos muy felices de poder publicar estos arreglos en español. Nuestros agradecimientos sinceros a Jorge Aguirre de Colombia por sus excelentes transcripciones.

Arreglo para trío de voces masculinas o coro a tres partes con acompañamiento para piano (partitura con arreglo completo). Lo cantamos en la despedida de la misión de nuestro hijo.

Se canta V.1-Mujeres unísono, V.2-Hombres unísono, V.3 Todas las voces del himnario.

Raelene Card wrote a cantata entitled, “He Will Come,” a beautiful work about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, and asked me (Roger) to make arrangements of her work for choir and piano. Many of these arrangements caused me to stretch in order to capture the majesty of their power! “He Will Come” was published on the internet and has been downloaded and performed all over the world. Live recording & accompaniment here

We were invited to do a Scripture Scouts concert with the Mormon Choir of Washington, D.C. last spring. As part of the concert, they asked us to write a medley of Scripture Scouts songs. It's hard to describe the scene as the men of the choir, dressed in tuxes and looking formal, broke into Lehi's refrain: "We gotta go, leave Jerusalem. We gotta go to the wilderness. We gotta go, 'cause Jerusalem is gonna be a mess." The choir and audience loved it! It's written for piano and SATB adult choir with narrators-- child or adult. The medley presents the story of Lehi and his family in a fresh way with touches of humor and insights that are the hallmark of Scripture Scouts. Mp3 available here

Parley P. Pratt's Greatest Hymns -

This song has also been called "Joseph and Emma's Love Song," as it was performed by cast-members as prelude to one of the day-time vignettes presented during the four-week run of the Nauvoo Pageant.

Eliza R. Snow's Greatest Hymns -

A collection of wonderful music with Eliza's powerful messages. All 14 of the arrangements used on the CD are available for download here. Many are set for a traditional choir and some for smaller groups, duets and solos. Roger has made some interesting comments about the writing and production of the project which you'll find here.

Song for the River -

This arrangement was published in the New Era magazine some years ago.

More new and unpublished songs -
All sheet-music arrangements on this page are available to download and copy for non-commercial purposes at no cost.

Some dear friends of ours commisioned us to write this song on the occasion of their oldest son's wedding. We have been singing it at weddings ever since. It expresses the deep feelings of gratitude and wonder that we felt when we found each other and uses images of light to describe the process of finding true love.

This piece begins with a plea for heaven's voice from a lost sheep, or a mother whose heart is tossed by the waves of her cares, depending upon which lyric set is used. Then the choir sings, "And lo, a voice from heaven cries, Behold, God is With You. He'll wipe away your tears..." and grows to a sweeping climax. Mp3 available here

An arrangement made for our stake Youth Choir. It's SAB, with an easy organ accompaniment.

A missionary song that sings about how the work spreads all over the world. "Heart by heart the Lord's kingdom grows." Mp3 available here

A few years ago we did a really fun children's audio series with Partners Steve Perry and Marvin Payne. It was called the Allabouts and one of the subjects we did was Temples. James Arrington delightfully plays Uncle Arnie who teaches the children the joy and wonder of the temple. "Long Ago Far Away Friends" is the song I wrote to help children become interested and aware of their ancestors as people who are more than names on a pedigree chart. Roger and I, having spent a good number of years in various wards as primary choristers, have taught this song several times and the children have enjoyed it. We hope it can be of use to you this year as we learn about temples in primary. -Melanie

A piano arrangement to accompany a choir using the LDS hymnbook.

A beautiful a capella duet arrangement of this wonderful old Appalachian Folk-Hymn, especially appropriate for this time. "...Now I must gird my sword on; my breastplate, helmet and my shield, and fight the hosts of Satan until I reach the Heavenly Field."

Written especially for Young Women's camp summer '03, this lovely song includes two and sometimes three-part harmony. Easy to learn and enjoyable to sing, it teaches that the Savior is the fountain of joy and the true source of security.

A vocal duet (or two-part SA choir piece), excellent for Young Women programs. Mp3 accompaniment track available here